Friday, November 8, 2013


The "Trunk or Treat" sponsored by the Friends of Ivanhoe was a great success. As we watched the rain fall and the lake rise we were a bit concerned that the event would need to be cancelled due to flooding in the surrounding area. Our intrepid "Friends" decided we did not want to disappoint the kids so we moved our "Trunks" under the awning at the community center and had approx. 116 children plus many grateful parents show up. We had a blast! We have decided that this will become an annual event for our little city and look forward to next year.
IPOIA meeting will be held on November 9th @ 10 a.m. - Ivanhoe Community Center - Breakfast will be served that morning starting at 8:45. Cost is $5 - come have breakfast or just have a cup of coffee and visit with your friends and neighbors!
Men's Breakfast is scheduled for November 14 @ 8 a.m.
City Council Meeting - November 14 @ 7:00 p.m.
BINGO - Friday Nov. 8, 15, & 22
Game Day Luncheon - Wed. Nov. 20


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear trunk or treat will be an annual event! Any news on why and how long Lake Charmaine will be down? No newsletters available in IPOIA box.

Anonymous said...

I don't know ,but I am sick and tired of them draining this lake year after year and always during the holidays . The lake is low every year during August and September and that is when any work needs to be performed. That dam has been leaking out since the day it was commissioned and now its an emergency to drain the lake. You think maybe all of the damage is because of dump trucks and tractors bouncing all over it dumping rocks on the apron????

Bill Adney said...

Its sad!!! Just a couple days after the clean up, the roads are getting lined with litter again:( their is very little pride in this community

Anonymous said...

no there is very little pride in the community. The reason for this is evident to anyone who has an open mind. As long as the HOA continues to make selfish HOA self-serving decisions, the pride will never rise. This a fantastic place to reside. The HOA has mislead the members and loaded the city council with its members that will blindly follow. Anyone who dares to put forth a opinion and not walk in lock step with them and their church of Scientology leader will be belittled and trashed.The HOA cares nothing about serving all community members. Research Scientology and any moron can plainly see this is how Scientology operates. They have gone out of their way to remove folks that were willing to take on major responsibility to build a better and safer community. The problems with Charmaine Dam are a perfect example of HOA leadership. But be not discouraged, time will loosen their grip,new folks with open minds will prevail, and community will grow into a pride filled place. The HOA gets it blind followers elected to city council and they miss meetings because it's more important to go on a trip, than to represent the community they profess to care so much about. The IPOIA board and it's loaded city council is anti business and without business on the highway the community will continue to limp along. They cannot get a tax raise passed. It will take taxes from business to grow this community into the type of place where it can grow and be financed by such business to provide the services all deserve. The election for council members has turned into a popularity contest. This is no way to acquire competent leadership, this is also the Scientology way. Open your mind, all they say and do is strictly cosmetic. Wish all a healthy and happy holiday season.