Sunday, August 31, 2008

IPOIA Takes Back its Parks & Lakes

A huge thanks goes out to Will & Sarah Warren for their suggestions regarding the "Labor Day Patrol" and their willingness to follow through and another huge thanks to Dale Freeman, our newest board member, for his support and direction.
Bright and early yesterday morning they were out getting a check point set up at the entrance to the community center parking lot. Everyone wishing to enter the area throughout the day was checked to make sure they were residents and members in good standing of the IPOIA. This is a tremendous step toward making Ivanhoe the peaceful and orderly place that we desire it to be!!
Of course a team of volunteers was there to assist in the process including Judy and Don Saenger, Chris Lindsey, Mark Elliott, Jack Brockhouse, Tammy Freeman and yours truly, Cathy Bennett.
The other volunteers that are scheduled to serve during the weekend are Del and Cathy Johnson & Nancy Bodden.
CD also volunteered to keep the office open in order to support out efforts. You are much appreciated, CD for your willingness to go above and beyond!
There is much more about this in our upcoming newsletter so be sure and pick one up this coming week.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ron Sikora Update

One of our dearest neighbors and awesome volunteers, Ron Sikora, was taken to the emergency room yesterday am.
Since he has had some heart issues in the past, they were concerned that the heart was involved. They think that it was dehidration and heat exhaustion. He was kept overnite for observation and returned home today at about noon. His wife, Karen reported that he will be checked out by his heart doctor this coming week.
Ron, you are very much appreciated and we want you to know that our prayers are with you!

Ice Cream Social submitted by Judy Saenger

I just got back from helping Jeanette and Shirley with the school-kids Ice cream Social. We used 38 cones and only a few of those were parents so had a pretty good turnout. That's not why I'm writing you though. We asked the kids about what they would like to see in Ivanhoe for kids and I thought I'd email you with what they said. Jeanette says they've tried to start Girl Scouts or 4-H out here and it never worked. They mostly said:
More stuff on the playgrounds for little kids
Sand Volley ball or basketball
Classes of different things like cooking
Maybe 4'H
Slide into the lake.

I'm highly convinced that to get all of Ivanhoe working together we need to have stuff for the kids because that's what brings out the parents. Just thought that I'd let you know that before I forgot. Judy Saenger

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Posting of Work Bid Opportunities

Work that Ivanhoe hires done will be posted on the Blog and on the Bulletin Board outside the office. If you are interested in bidding on jobs, please visit these two places for info. If you know of someone who may be interested, please pass the word along.
We do require that anyone doing work here carry liability insurance.
If you need any further information, contact CD at the Ivanhoe Office 283-3653.

Friday, August 22, 2008

T.A.M.E.R. Update

C.D. Woodrome said...
We are awaiting the ruling from the Admin. Law Judge(s) following the interim rate hearing in Austin on 8-8-08. Orville Bevil the lead for T.A.M.E.R. will be providing info. as soon as word comes from Austin
Posted August 19, 2008 8:25 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

IPOIA Taking Bids for Contract Mowing

Ivanhoe Property Owners Improvement Association is taking bids for contract mowing of select areas in the subdivision including parks, right of way slopes and ditches.
Minimum of one hundred thousand dollar General Liability Insurance is required to be considered.
For additional information and to submit bids contact the IPOIA office at (409)283-3653.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Someone requested information on how to donate to T.A.M.E.R.
Donations can be made through Jack Brockhouse 409-331-9997
or through CD at the Ivanhoe office 409-283-3653.

2nd Community Workshop held August 14

The Second Community Workshop was held last Thursday night at the Community Center. Attendance was up from the last one which is very encouraging.
Reports were given on progress made since the last Workshop. Many of the ideas brought forth had been explored and some implemented.
Communication was the main concern at our first meeting and we now have a Calling Team in place, a Blog to post news, we are collecting email addresses to communicate via internet and we are announcing our meetings and workshops, etc in the Booster.
A bunch of neighbors have been out mowing and cutting down brush to make corners safer.
We have a Dam Maintenance Team headed up by the Petersons and from the Survey Sheets people are filling out and the posters we put up at the workshop, we will be creating many new Teams.
The subject of most interest this time was security. One of the Teams we came up with out of that was our Labor Day Patrol. The idea is to begin to limit access to the lakes and parks by asking people to display their boat stickers and car stickers if they are using our parks and, lakes. Our newest board member, Dale Freeman, who is a law enforcement officer and has volunteered to serve on the Security Committee along with Mark Jackson, was not able to be in attendance but is willing to assist in coordinating this effort.

Dam Safety Workshop August 13,2008

Five Ivanhoe residents attended a very informative and interesting Dam Safety Workshop for Dam owners and operators held in Allen, TX north of Dallas this past Wednesday.
The Workshop was put on by TCEQ and was facilitated by Warren Samuelson, Dam Safety Division Supervisor for TCEQ. Mr Samuelson is the one who did the recent inspections of our dams in Ivanhoe. For those who are interested, here is a website you can refer to for further information:
Attendees were: CD Woodrome, Patsy & Tommy Morris, Elizabeth McGee and Cathy Bennett.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

2nd Community Workshop Scheduled for August 14

The date has been set for our second workshop. We will meet at the Community Center at 7:00pm. Be sure and be there and bring a neighbor.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ivanhoe Land of Lakes News

This is a beginning!!

Communication was obviously the number 1 concern in our community so this is one way that we can begin to keep everyone abreast of "what is going on".
We are brand new at "blogging" so we are looking for others who would like to post on the blog. Please let us know if you would like to participate!!

Don't miss the August 9 Board Meeting. Be sure and bring a neighbor!

We will be posting on a regular basis so check us out!